
Showing posts from August, 2021

My top 5 sources of News and Info

    I have never been the kind of person who regularly checks the news or flips through the newspaper. Most of my news intake comes through my phone. My primary source of news is Youtube . Almost every news station and publisher has a Youtube channel where they can post their stories. I find it helpful that these groups post by story, meaning that I can watch the exact segment that I want to see. Youtube also supports Content Creators who post news on their channels. Keemstar, the host and founder of DramaAlert , has gathered over 5 million subscribers. My personal favorite news source on youtube is from a Content Creator named SirSwag and their monthly news series called This month's news without the bullshit. It is a very nonbias monthly news recap that covers major global events within a given month.  I think I can safely say that social media is a major news intake for most people my age (Millenials and Gen Z). Ranging from MySpace to TikTok we have all seen or heard about so