
Showing posts from December, 2021

Argument Against AI Progression

Throughout this class, we have had numerous discussions about the first amendment. Specifically, how our rights are violated and how we can protect them. All of the videos shown in the final prompt for this blog show extremely negative foresight for the future more focused on technology and greed. Looking closely at the video on AI, the concern voiced in the video is how AI will impact job loss. The point that I want to talk about is facial recognition in part 1 of the video. The video divulges into how heavily integrated AI is in everyday life in China. They also stated the fact that within two decades China has caught up with the US on AI technology. The part that was not explained was why the US has had setbacks in AI development because consumers are concerned about their privacy. I remember back when the original Amazon Echo came out in 2014 and there was about a 2 month period where everyone was amazed at how you could talk to a small tower from anywhere in your house and get a